Welcome to the Whelthy Programme
There are three things in life: your health, your mission, and the people you love
The goal of the Whelthy programme is to improve your lifestyle and, as a result, improve your overall health and take care of your body in a way that is sustainable for the long term. Healthy habits are hard to develop and often require changing your mindset. But if you’re willing to make sacrifices to better your health, the impact can be far-reaching, regardless of your age, sex, or physical ability.

Keeping it Simple
Easy and Straight Forward
Unlike many other plans, Whelthy isn’t filled with textbook terminologies and long, unpronounceable words that only serve to confuse people. We keep our plans simple because we don’t feel the need to use scientific terms to prove that these methods work. You will find out for yourself once you implement them into your own life and start to see and feel the benefits that not only us, but our family, friends, clients and thousands of people around the world already do.
We don’t believe in telling you to do as we say. We believe in showing you how to do what we do. It really is as simple as that.
"You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!’’
We love to interact with our members so be sure to tag us on social media and become a valuable part of the Whelthy community.

Goal Setting
Make sure that you have a goal
To achieve anything in life it is vital to have goals that you are constantly working towards, and improving your lifestyle is no different. If you don't have a clear and defined goal, it makes it a lot harder to motivate yourself on the days you just don’t feel like doing what you know you should (don’t worry, we all have them!) and it becomes easy to fall off the wagon.
When setting your goals, we always find it best to split them into one main goal, then several smaller goals.

Set a Routine
Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail
Always remember when setting your goals to make them realistic and achievable. Be honest with yourself. You can always alter them at any point if they’re too easy, but if you set them too hard at the start, they could prove difficult to reach and therefore discourage you during the process.
When we're setting goals for ourselves, we find it helpful to set a goal-related routine for the week that is split into what we will be doing each day.
First They Laugh, Then They Copy
So now you’ve done the hard part. You have made the decision to change your life for the better by improving your lifestyle and have set your goals accordingly. The only other obstacle that you will almost certainly have to face will be the doubters. At first, some people will secretly want you to fail. Some may be friends, some work colleagues, some may even be family members.
’The people that say ‘you can’t’ and ‘you won’t’ are probably the ones scared that you will’’
’A lion does not lose sleep over the opinion of sheep’’

Let's Get Whelthy
Live Your Best Life
It is at this stage that they will begin to copy, probably secretly at first, having healthier meals more often, starting at a gym or going jogging. Then they’ll start to drop hints, fishing for little tips here and there that they can implement in their own lives. Eventually, they will admit defeat and start to ask more questions until they openly get on board and join you in seeing and feeling the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.